Monday, February 4, 2013

reset sequence Oracle

When you export Oracle data and then import to another environment, sometimes the sequence number gives primary key  errors. In this situation, we need to reset Oracle sequences.

This example, we bump up all the sequences by 100.

I have 10 sequences in my schema and I want to increase all of them by 100.

SQL> select sequence_name, last_number from user_sequences;

------------------------------ -----------
S1                                       1
S10                                      1
S2                                       1
S3                                       1
S4                                       1
S5                                       1
S6                                       1
S7                                       1
S8                                       1
S9                                       1

10 rows selected.

Currently, their last_number is one because I just created them. In real world, your sequnces' last_number will be different!

Here is a little PL/SQL block that will bump up the sequence numbers by 100.

   my_seq_number number;
   my_sql varchar2(200);
   -- increase the sequence by 100..change it if you want

  my_increase_seq_by_number NUMBER := 100;
   for my_sequneces in ( select sequence_name from user_sequences
    my_sql := 'select ' || my_sequneces.sequence_name || '.nextval from dual';
      for i in 1..my_increase_seq_by_number
        execute immediate my_sql into my_seq_number;
      end loop;
end loop;

After executing the above PL/SQL block, here is the last_number for all my sequences.

SQL> select sequence_name, last_number from user_sequences;

------------------------------ -----------
S1                                     101
S10                                    101
S2                                     101
S3                                     101
S4                                     101
S5                                     101
S6                                     101
S7                                     101
S8                                     101
S9                                     101

10 rows selected.

Hope, this helps.
Please send your feedbacks  to
Thank you.


If you are interested in the book "Oracle SQL Scipting". here is the link.


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